Ads Already In Use – AdForPeace Promoting the idea of advertising for peace. Mon, 05 Feb 2018 20:23:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MEPEACE – realizing peace in the Middle East. Wed, 08 Jul 2009 02:07:44 +0000 MEPEACE is a non-profit organization which aims to foster a growing community of peacemakers. Our peacemakers, from 175 countries, are committed to realizing peace in the Middle East. Our community is active online and on the ground. Online, our web platform enables individuals and organizations to share and find information.


MEPEACE offers several peacemaking platforms. On the web platform, individuals express themselves and communicate with each other through photos, videos and text. Communication is enabled in chat rooms, and through comment walls and private messaging, and in more than 1,000 forum discussions. Upon joining us one receives a page online with a personal profile, blog, comment wall and private inbox. Personal pages automatically feature the individual’s discussions, photos, videos and songs.

On the ground, our Peace Cafés enable Palestinians, Israelis and Internationals to meet in settings which encourage dialogue, friendships and inspiration. Sometimes the encounters are not easy. At the beginning of 2009, we brought Palestinians and Israelis together while a war raged in Gaza. Brave peacemakers overcame checkpoints, barriers and personal fear to share a more hopeful vision for peace. We also participate in international peace conferences and create our own, such as our “Making Things Possible” meeting in Amman, Jordan.

The organization is currently developing an internet leadership program (ILP) to train its activists. The program will distinguish itself with online training supplemented with meetings on the ground. We will train activists lead teams that will leverage the internet for peace.



  • Create platforms for peacemakers to meet, connect, network and collaborate for peace
  • Centralize information, guidance and direction on organizations and activists
  • Invite and inspire the unaffiliated to become active
  • Develop peace-oriented leadership in Israel, Palestine and beyond
  • Build a critical mass of moderates that will overcome extremism and mobilize to support politicians when they make difficult decisions for peace.


Imagine Peace Mon, 22 Sep 2008 23:15:37 +0000

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